Hanna Tossavainen: Curiosity in computers turned into career at the heart of our operations
The IT industry is a far wider field than just computers and hardware or coding!

At the end of Upper Secondary School, I was pondering the direction of my life and what I see myself working with in the future. As I wasn’t quite sure “what I want to be when I grow up” I thought that some kind of a ‘general education’ that provides a good and wide base of knowledge would be the best choice for me, and that lead me to apply to the Business Information Technology studies.
Computers have fascinated me since I grew up watching my elder brothers dabble with hardware, software, and coding. To sum it up, you could say that I eventually wanted to see what the IT industry could offer me and how I could develop there.
Motivation and interest in IT are most important
Today, my official title states that I am working as Senior Manager at Service Center, but I like to say that I am leading the heart of our operations, as Service Center is an ensemble of multitalented Specialists and a wide selection of Services.
On a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, I work on themes related to the delivery and functionality of Enfo's end-user services including Server instance management service. My role focuses on developing and increasing the quality of services, delivery, and customer service, to simultaneously meet the IT expectations of both the end user and the customer organization while finding ways to keep experts satisfied and monitoring our organization's workload.
Even though I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Technology, I personally think that a degree is not (always) needed when entering the field of IT. Especially at Service Desk we tend to hire people who are IT-oriented, have good interpersonal skills, or are motivated by solving day-to-day IT-related issues. Motivation and interest in the IT field are the key elements while recruiting. You need to have some kind of passion!
I don’t regret my career choice
Sure, the IT industry can be said to be a male-dominated world, but I don’t know if I want to reinforce that perception. Yes, if you look at the recruitment process and gender distribution of our candidates most applicants are male. That does not change the fact that we have a lot of highly skilled women working in the field and with Enfo. In working in IT gender does not matter, as it shouldn’t.
During the fifteen years of my career, I have found many paths for growth and development, and I have followed them. Every year I learn something, whether it is a new skill, way of thinking or take on a new challenge within my responsibilities, the active way of working and keeping an open mind has enabled my growth from a rookie Specialist to a confident leader, and my journey with IT has not come to its end.
I have not faced any discrimination or belittlement nor gotten any kind of special treatment – so everything has been great, and more importantly, I don’t regret my career choice!
As a piece of advice to women considering a career within IT, I would like to say that be brave and open to new possibilities. If you feel like the technical aspect of the IT industry is not for you keep in mind that the IT industry is a far wider field than just computers and hardware or coding!